When Should You Do Senior Portraits in North Texas?

In many areas Senior pictures are done in the summer before your Senior year, but with the North Texas climate, this is not always possible. In the North Texas area senior portraits are often best taken early fall or early spring of your senior year. This timing allows for a few advantages:

  1. Avoiding Stress: Taking portraits early in the school year means you’re less likely to be stressed by other senior year activities and responsibilities.

  2. Weather: Early fall and spring generally offer better weather and more natural light, which can lead to better photos.

  3. Availability: Photographers might have more availability in winter and summer months, giving you a better chance to book a slot that fits your schedule. Fall and Spring are busier for photographers so book early.

  4. Yearbook Deadlines: If you want to ensure your photo is included in the yearbook, check the submission deadlines with your school. Scheduling your session well in advance helps avoid any last-minute rush.

Summer is also possible but due to the Texas heat early morning sunrise sessions are suggested. Our winters are relatively mild and give some beautiful golden hues so do not rule winter months out.

If backgrounds are important a few things to keep in mind. If you want a more urban look, buildings look the same year round. For more natural, seasons are important. We usually do not get fall color until Thanksgiving or later and fall color is minimal most years. If you want green we still have green in the early to late fall. Spring gets green the first or second week of April. Golden hues can be done anytime but need the sun especially in the winter.

I find I do more senior portraits in the fall. Weather is nicer and slightly more predictable than spring in North Texas. Gives you more time and not rushed. A big plus if your photographer allows it (I do) you can mix in your yearly family portraits for the holidays.

Late winter -Early Spring


Summer - Early Fall

FALL - Early Winter