Photography Lessons - Non Business

Photography Lessons - Non Business
Photography Lessons for AMATEURS!
If you are currently a pro or semi pro photography or wanting to become pro - please look at the mentoring section.
Fantastic Gift Idea!
Great for the completely clueless or those who want improve their photos.
What lessons include depends on what you want to learn: If you want to learn everything, a six-hour-long lesson is suggested.
*Techniques for a sharper image.
*ISO, F-stops and shutter speeds. Not sure what these are? Then you need a lesson.
* Depth of field- How to make your subject the focus of your photograph
*White balance – Get rid of the over-blue or yellow photos and make your colors pop
*Composition- how to make your photos stand out from the rest
*Use of natural light and when to use a flash.
*Optional- Basic editing/ post production of photos and what FREE programs are great to use.
*Get out and shoot!
With the 4 hour+ lessons; Permission to call me for those what-do-I-do moments and photo critiques.
Each session has an idea of what can be covered in the time period. A model can be added to any session for behind the camera time $40/hr or you can provide your own.
1-hour lesson - Very basic camera operations and photography techniques.
$75 private lesson 1 person
2-hour lesson - Basic camera operations, photography techniques and some behind-the-camera time
$135 private lesson 1 person
4-hour lesson - Camera operations, photography techniques, behind-the-camera time and basic post-production
$250 private lesson 1 person
Add model for behind the camera time $40
Best Deal!
6 hours - Camera operations, photography techniques, behind-the-camera time, off-camera lighting and basic post-production
$350 private lesson 1 person
Add model for behind the camera time $40